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A Study on the Safety Management System of Fishing Leisure Vessels 연안여객선, 유·도선, 낚시어선 등 많은 인원이 이
Estimating the Economic Value of Boat Fishing Experience Activity Using Travel Cost Method: Focused on Jeju Island`s Chagwido 본 연
A Study on the Improvements of Safety Management for Fishing Boat: Focused on Recognition of the Persons Concerned on Fishing Boat 최
A Study on the Institutional Improvement for the Introduction of private vessel for Fishing : A Study on Fishing Vessel Business Out of
Issues on Legal System and Legislative Direction of Fishing Vessel Operation 해양수산부 발표에 따르면 낚시어선 이용객
Institutional Improvement for Prevention of Fishing Boat Accidents 본고는 낚시어선의 특성 및 선행연구의 검토와 낚
Analysis of Maritime Accidents of Leisure Fishing Vessels and Its Institutional Implication 낚시어선업은 낚시인을 어선에
Angling Motivations of Korean and Japanese Fishing Show Attendees 미국을 비롯한 유럽권에서는 왜 사람들이 취미 삼아
The Maritime Police Scientific Countermeasures for the Accident Prevention of Fishing Boat 이 연구의 목적은 낚시어선 사고
Estimating Populations, Yields, and Expenditures of Recreational Fishing in Korea The objective of this article was to estimate the mar