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전문자료 검색결과 (100,243건) NAVER OpenAPI

Effects of Experience on Enjoyment, Satisfaction, and Revisit Intention : Pine and Gilmore's Experience Economy Perspective 본 연구
Effects of Daegu,Gyeongbuk`s Foreign Tourist Experience on Enjoyment, Satisfaction, and Loyalty: Pine and Gilmore`s Experience Economy
Pine과 Gilmore의 체험영역 모델에 관한 검증 :한산모시축제 체험활동 참가자 만족을 중심으로 Earlier, Pine
The Effects of Experiential Factors on Enjoyment, Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention in an Event: An Application of Pine & Gilmore`s
The Effects of Career Experiential Learning: Career Maturity and Academic Achievement in Korea 이 연구는 청소년들의 진로체
A study on the behavioral intention of horseback riding experience using the model of goal-directed behavior: Focusing on youths’ hor
Sensoty experience effects on store attitude and loyalty: the mediating role of emotion and satisfaction 본 연구는 매장 내의
A Study on the Relations among Experience Element, Pleasure, Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention of Hotel Package Product 본연구
The impact of tourists' experience on subjective happiness, psychological happiness and quality of life of healing tourism : Based on e
The Effects of Experience Economy Factors(4Es), Experience Satisfaction, Behavior Intention of Culture and Tourism Festival : Focused o