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전문자료 검색결과 (18,563건) NAVER OpenAPI

The Estimation of Payment Value of Historical Tourism Resources for Admission Fee Using Contingent Valuation Method(CVM) : A Case of Su
A Study on Jo Shim-tae, the Governor of Hwaseong - role of Suwon removing and Hwaseong construction 華城城役은 정조시대의 모
A Study on the Development Plan Using Evaluation of Local Cultural Festival - Focused on Suwon Hwaseong Cultural Festival - 수원 화
King Jeongjo's Visitation activity in Hwaseong and it's significance 정조의 화성 행차와 수원 화성 건설에 대해서는
The Propagation Effects on the Regional Economy Induced by U-City Construction in Wha-sung and Dong-tan City 본 연구는 RAS 계수
Development of Augmented Reality (AR) Smartphone Application for Hwaseong Fortress Tourism 수원 화성은 1997년에 건축, 문화,