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The Effect of MBTI on Instagram Profile Picture 선천적인 성격기질을 나타내는 MBTI에 따라 보이는 이미지가 다르
The Effect of Street Dancer's Instagram Feed Management on the Recognition and Utilization of Instagram Activities 연구목적 본 연
Predicting Relationship Between Instagram Use and Psychological Variables During COVID-19 Quarantine Using Multivariate Techniques 최
Research on Sentiment Analysis in Social Media App Reviews: Focusing on Instagram 본 연구는 Google Play에서 수집된 Instagram
Why do Generation Z tennis Participants Use Instagram?: Grounded Theoretical Analysis of New Media Use 본 연구는 Z세대 테니스
AR Filter Using Instagram Storyfilter: A New Frontier for Spread Mental Health Awareness 본 논문은 인스타그램의 타겟 트래
Place-Image Marketing Strategies via Social Media on Urban Public Spaces - Focused Instagram Profile of Union Square in New York City,
Narrative Identity Expression of Fashion Micro Influencers by the Space - Focused on Instagram - 소셜 미디어에서 대중에게
The Relationship between Engagement with Social Media and Social Media Advertising : The Differentiating Role of Platform Type(Instagra
The Effect of Information Characteristics of Restaurant Company’s Instagram on Perceived Value, Positive Emotion, and Behavior Intent